Sitios combines the forces, financial resources and resources of various initiatives to expand the range of accessibility information quickly and sustainably. With the well-known members of the Swiss Barrier-Free Association, Pro Infirmis, the AccessibilityGuide association and financial support from the Federal Office of People with Disabilities EBGB and various foundations, Sitios has strong foundations.
The Federal Office for the Equality of Persons with Disabilities (EBGB) was created in 2004 with the entry into force of the Disability Equality Act (BeHIG). It has the mandate to promote equality between people with disabilities and to work to eliminate disadvantages for people with disabilities. The EBGB supports Sitios with funding contributions.
Webseite des EBGBAs a specialist organization for people with disabilities, Pro Infirmis is committed to self-determination and inclusion. Pro Infirmis digital accessibility data provides reliable and transparent information about the accessibility of public buildings. Pro Infirmis has been working with the Barrier-Free Switzerland Association and the Accessibility Guide Association for several years and is a founding member of Sitios.
Webseite von Pro InfirmisThe Friends Association for Accessible Switzerland (FVBS) has launched the OK:GO initiative. The aim of this initiative is for all tourism providers in Switzerland to provide the public with information about the accessibility of their offers. Accessibility information is collected using the ginto app from Sitios. The FVBS office is run by the Swiss Tourism Association. The FVBS is a founding member of Sitios.
Webseite des FVBSThe OK:GO initiative supports Swiss tourism providers in collecting and publishing information on the accessibility of their offerings. Participation in the OK:GO initiative is free of charge. The recording is carried out using the ginto app from Sitios. By participating, tourist companies are making travel planning easier for people with mobility restrictions.
Webseite von OK:GOAXA, together with its subsidiary AXA Life AG, is a leading Swiss insurance company. Private and corporate customers benefit from the complete range of insurance solutions. With the support of AXA, we are expanding our ginto app with useful functions for people with hearing and vision disabilities. Our project “Traveling by lift” is also financially supported by AXA.
Webseite von AXAAll people want to enjoy their lives and be part of society. This also includes holidays and leisure. But many people with disabilities cannot afford to take time off. The Think of Me Foundation fills this gap, provides financial support and thus creates a level of quality of life. With its financial support, the Think of Me Foundation helps us to make the accessibility of buildings visible to all and thus break down barriers.
Webseite der Stiftung denk an michThe Ingeborg Dénes-Muhr Foundation is a charitable foundation based in Zurich, Switzerland. It supports charitable institutions in Germany and abroad, in particular in the area of blind, vision and reading impaired, deaf and disadvantaged and/or seriously ill children. With the support of the Ingeborg Dénes-Muhr Foundation, we are expanding ginto with useful functions for people with hearing and visual disabilities.
Webseite der Ingeborg Dénes Muhr StiftungThe Sympany Foundation is committed to Swiss healthcare and insured persons in a variety of ways. With this commitment, it aims to sustainably improve the healthcare system. With the support of the Sympany Foundation, we record the accessibility of healthcare facilities with a focus on northwestern Switzerland. This information helps people with disabilities, for example, to find a barrier-free medical practice.
Webseite von SympanyDie Stiftung Cerebral unterstützt rund 9'700 Betroffene und ihre Familien in der ganzen Schweiz. Sie setzt sich dafür ein, dass Menschen mit einer cerebralen Bewegungsbeeinträchtigung und ihre Familien ein möglichst selbstbestimmtes, mobiles und unbeschwertes Leben führen können. Ziel der Zusammenarbeit mit Sitios ist die Erfassung der touristischen Angebote der Partnerbetriebe der Stiftung, beispielsweise die Miete von Pool-Liften oder Eisgleitern.
Website der Stiftung CerebralFrom electronics to efficient algorithms and AI to full-stack software, SCS develops software and hardware for its customers. Founded in 1993 as an ETH spin-off, SCS is now broadly based with over 130 employees and is happy to tackle demanding projects. SCS financially supports Sitios projects.
Webseite von SCSAt the Google Accessibility Discovery Centre (ADC) in Zurich, people with and without disabilities are jointly researching barrier-free technologies and developing inclusive products. Sitios and Google are discussing how the range of information on accessibility can be improved. In the ADC, barrier-free tools and technologies can be tried out.
Webseite von GoogleThe FRH Foundation supports research projects with the aim of improving the integration of people with disabilities in Switzerland. With the support of the FRH Foundation, we are investigating how the acoustic quality of catering establishments can be easily measured. This information can help people with hearing and vision problems find suitable locations.
Webseite von FRHThe Swiss Paraplegics Association (SPV) is the national umbrella organization for paraplegics. With the mobile web application, it supports paraplegics and wheelchair users in their mobility by providing accessibility information - like Sitios with ginto. SPV and Sitios are working on merging ginto and paramap in an appropriate form.
Webseite der SPVWith its bikeable, walkable and accessable platforms, Moveable makes the strengths and weaknesses of public infrastructure visible and promotes dialogue between the population and authorities. Moveable's offering complements Sitios' range of information with the opportunity to discuss and improve the accessibility of public infrastructure.
Webseite von moveable